Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Current mood: high
OOPPPS I missed Thursday Night Goth meet up at Flying M I would feel bad about it but I went on a date instead and you cant beat having drinks with a hot man. We met at the Navajo room and had a few drinks and talked for quite a long time. It was nice to spend time with a guy who had something to say and the fact that he was cute is a bonus. Other then that I found my webcam and set it up and teased a bunch of guys by sucking on a cherry super blow pop. Men are so easy to tease, I took a good 40 mins to suck on that loli and in the end had 10 guys watching in just an Idaho room, I enjoyed the attention, even though I know most of them would not think twice about me if they saw me on the street.I sure would like to find a guy who really digs me and wants to stay around a bit and do stuff, it doesnt have to be serious but it would be nice if it was more then once in a long while.
MONDAY we played the Space Western SERENITY role playing game at Jeffs house. Or I should say we SORT OF played it, mostly we sat around drinking a couple beers and some Merlot and got nothing done but had a good time.Basically in game we landed the ship and went to a bar, PERIOD. We pretty much only got our characters as far as walking in the door before we began to goof off like kids. Sometimes it is fun to be silly but since Jeff wants to play ALL FLESH MUST BE EATEN for Sept. and Oct. I really want to finish the adventure we are on.I sort of wanted to play MAGIC after everyone left but this tiredness is just driving me nuts. SUMMER SAD.I think I have summer seasonal affective disorder, I am tired all the time and sleep so much it is not funny. This kind of tired is not the regular end of day tired, it is more like cant think, feel sick tired.I dont remember having Summer SAD so much before even though I suffer the winter version pretty much every year. Some people think that Summer SAD Depression (which is more like Winter SAD) has to do with changes in barometer pressure while Summer SAD Mania has to do with a vast increase of sunlight. Why I cant get the Manic version is beyond me.Some of the symptoms I am having include:Feelings of hopelessness and sadness Thoughts of suicide Hypersomnia (sleeping too much)A change in appetite, especially a craving for sweet or starchy foods A heavy feeling in the arms or legs A drop in energy level Decreased physical activity Fatigue A tendency to oversleep Difficulty concentrating Irritability Increased sensitivity to social rejection Feeling as if something is wrong but I cant fix it.Hopefully with the temperatures dropping next week my SAD will clear up. Thankfully my knees have been doing pretty good so far this week.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Current mood: sleepy
Friday Danielle, Jenna and I went to Mulligans after Jenna got off work so we did not get there until about midnight. For a Friday the place was pretty dead, I think it was the heat, at midnight it was still over 80* out and it had been over 100* all day, people just get worn out.When we got there we got a table by the bar and sat and visited for a while when I noticed this one tall, slender guy who seemed really alone and bored and I know what it is like to not know anyone at the bar so I told Jenna and Danielle we should invite him over. They teased me about picking up strays, (I like strays they tend to be grateful) and we joked about sending him a note like in jr. high. Do You want to join us? Mark yes or no.Only thing we had to write on was a bit of paper from Jennas cigarettes and she started to use her eyeliner but it did not write well. I finally just waved at him and said, Hey you, you look bored are you bored?He said he was totally bored and I invited him to join us. Jenna and Danielle were talking and this guy Ronald and I were talking so I changed places with Jenna and sat next to him talking for a few hours. We started flirting which was fun and when Jenna and Danielle left at 2 we hung out until morning talking and goofing off. I dont know if I will ever see him again but I sure would like to.Saturday I stayed at home as much as possible due to the heat, it got around 105* and my place stays so cool usually it is weird, I seldom need to even run my AC unit more then an hour or two in the late evening to cool the place down for the day, I just use a couple fans.A friend of mine wants to be on the website and so she came over and asked me to take some pics of her, I moved everything to one side in the computer room and laid down a black sheet and we took pics of her posing with my sword, knives and riding crop as well as pics of her in bondage. I really envy this great thick black rope she brought, she told me she got it at Lowes, I am totally buying 25 ft of it on the first.Jeff called and asked what I was doing and I told him I had a half naked girl tied up on the floor. He asked if he should let me go and I said why she is the one tied up.We took 55 pics and I spent most of the evening editing them to get a total of 47 good ones.A friend of mine told me he was stressed out and just wanted to hang out and visit so I told him to come over an we watched Comedy Central for about 3 hours, Chappelle, Carlos Mencia and Reno 911. He left around midnight and I just chatted and edited the rest of the pics and did not get to bed until 3:30am when I remembered I had to drive Jeff to work.Sunday I woke up at 8am so I could take Jeff to his work and stop by the coffee shop and get a muffin and a cup of coffee, usually I would have 3 cups at least but it was already getting hot by 10 am and I wanted to get home and sleep some more.I got up and down, I would work on the computer for a while then nap for a while all day until 4:30 when I get a call saying would I get Jeff from work? I am shit at saying no so even though I was exhausted and it was over 100* I headed out to pick him up. On the way back to his house my car decides to over heat and scare the hell out of me, we had to drive with the heater on until it cooled and now I just cant trust using the AC in the car when it is that hot out.I went home and chatted for a while then got ready for Industria and headed down there at 9 to see if I could get a decent parking spot and lucked out and got a spot right up front. It was a friend of mines birthday and he bought me a drink, not sure that is the way it is suppose to go but I was not complaining. I visited around the place and hung out with *T* who has lately been seeing this other girl. I was feeling a bit left out but he tells me he is worried she is getting too serious and he does not want a girlfriend and that he wanted to come home with me but not until he deals with his drama so that it doesnt end up my drama. I hate drama.I took the birthday to his house and dropped him off since he was pretty damn drunk and started to head home. About 2/3rds of the way to my house I see this girl in a mini skirt hitchhiking, at first I wasnt going to pick her up bit it was 2:30 in the morning and I thought if I was stranded for any reason I would want someone like me to pick me up. I had to take her about half a mile out of my way so it was no big deal but I was glad I stopped since she looked about ready to cry.I pride myself on being a good person and while I admit I am not stupid and would not have picked up a man hitching I was glad I had given her a ride again it was all drama and just made me glad I am trying to avoid it.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Current mood: sleepy
Thursday turned into a much better day then Wednesday.Danielle posted a note on my blog from Wednesday saying we should go to happy hour so I drove out there to surprise her when she got off work and pick her up. We went to the Cafe ole at the mall and had soft drinks and chips as well as little chipolte chicken wings. I was sitting at the bar since the place was pretty much full and I saw the bartender finish off a bottle of 1800 tequila, they are the perfect size for holding change and I have been wanting one for a long time so I asked him to give it to me and he did. Danielle started wondering how many quarters you could put in it and said she should take her paycheck and get all quarters and fill it up, I told her it was a good idea if I got to keep them. She didnt go for it.It was 6 when we got out of there and since they are near my home and I needed to be at Flying M a little before 7 for the Goth meet up I had her come over to my house and play on the computer while I washed my hair, in this 100* plus heat I have to wash it every other day instead of every third, even though my place stays cool I still have to go places, thank heavens we dont have humidity like they do in the east.I dropped Danielle off and headed downtown and got a wild hair to get a cigarette case like an idiot even though I am almost broke and need gas. I dont know why I get these impulses and why it is so hard to resist even when I know it will be a problem. I seldom smoke, I have a cigarette case I made that is neater then anything I could buy and yet I spent $10 on one. I have got to stop doing that. I also have to stop going out to eat so often, I would have quite a bit of spending and gas money if I just cut it in half. I think that is my plan for next month, to spend no more then $20 a week on going out, Yeah that will NOT be easy.I got down to Flying M a bit early and waited for everyone to show, we have a nice crowd and just sort of talk and goof off for a couple of hours, it is just nice to hang out with people into the same stuff as you are and for me not to be the oldest person there. I talked to Matt and Ty about the guy who has been threatening to bomb my computer on yahoo and they gave me some great advice and now I feel much more secure.Mom called me last night and asked if I wanted to go to breakfast with her and my dads cousin Linda so we met at IHOP and visited for a while, Now I am heading over to my grandmas place to watch out for my grandpa while she goes to lunch with her cousin. Grandpa is doing really well but he gets forgetful and we worry he might fall or something so someone has to be around at all times. Only problem is I am sooooo tired I did not sleep well last night and got up early this morning. Oh well you do what you have to do.It is suppose to be 105* today so I hope Grandma gets done before too late because I dont intend to go anywhere in the worst heat of the day.
P.S.So I go over to grandmas and wait because my mom did not want my grandma to have to call me when she got home, I fell asleep waiting for her and when they finally get there from my grandpa's dr appointment (He is doing great) she tells me her lunch is tomorrow so I came home, I am going to take a quick nap before I fall down.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Current mood: pissed off
The last 24 hours have sucked, so far I had horrible leg cramps that had me in tears and had to take two muscle relaxers that still have me groggy 24 hours later, I was attacked in a chat room and had horrible things said about me while people who claim to like me sat there and listened/watched AND I was stood up for lunch by some guy I didnt even really want to go out with so I sat around waiting for him to show and never made it to lunch.On top of that like any foolish fat kid I decided the best thing to do was look up my old friends BEN & JERRY for dinner.I wanted to go out tonight but no one to go with and no money.POUT
Friday, July 14, 2006
july 14th
Wednesday I took Danielle to her Drs appointment in Eagle, a bedroom community of Boise. While she had her appointment I went and had a salad and still I had to wait for her and listen to new age music in the waiting room for quite a while, that girl is lucky I like her.
Today I was suppose to go to my dentist for a cleaning at noon but I just couldnt get up so I called and asked if I could reschedule the appointment, I mean I honestly could not stay awake. Sometimes it scares me when I get on one of these sleeping binges because I dont know if it is the start of a depression episode or a reaction to my meds. Anyway they rescheduled to 3 and I ended up sleeping till 2:30 and even then I was tired.
Oh man I have got to take better care of my teeth cause I hate having them cleaned at the office even though it makes them look great. They use a little water sprayer these days that is like a real pick, it hurts like hell when it hits your gums but it gets the work done in about a third the time so it is ok. No cavities even though I am still wearing down my teeth by grinding my teeth, which is probably a big part of why my neck hurts all the time.
I went to pick Jeff up from work around 6, dropped him off at home and picked up his ZOMBIES game to take with me to the Flying M for the Goth Meet-up we have every Thursday night. It was fun but man did I forget a lot of the rules, like how many health and bullet cards to give people and I forgot you were suppose to move the zombies as well as the player pieces. We still had a great time and all.
I dropped Jeff off around 9 and came home to just veg.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
july 12th 06
After feeling like crap for the last few days I decided to go into chat again, it has been MONTHS since I last went on Yahoo, it felt good to see how many people remembered me and were glad to know I was alive, and it was flattering to have so many guys say wow you are hot and tell me how much they like my pictures. But it got so OLD telling guys I was NOT looking for a hook up, that I wanted to meet someone and become friends, not just friendly before I even thought about getting laid. And how many guys just stopped talking to me made me realize that looking for a decent guy who wants to really get to know a gal on yahoo especially at night is like looking for sunbathers in Antarctica, they just arent there.
I finally agreed to go have coffee with a guy I have been talking to on line off and on for months and lets just say it was a dud. He wasn't a bad guy we just had nothing in common at all it seemed. We had nothing to talk about, apparently the only stuff we had to talk about was said on line and one of the first things he said to me was Youre not really one of those GOTH people are you? As if he was asking if I was a baby killer.
It pretty much went downhill from there, he hated being at IHOP that late. I figured pretty fast I would be paying for m own meal so I ordered a kids meal cause I am pretty damn broke and really did not need to be spending money on a late night meal.
Oh yeah and when I get home there are TWO police cars right near my apartment and I just love knowing that something got them out there, oh yeah and my computer room has been invaded by ants where I spelt some soda . My old place was upstairs and I never had ants, now if I drop a crumb or spill a drink they are all over it in minutes. I hate to poison the area they are in cause the cats sleep in here all the time but if they are not gone after I spray the area with cleaner I dont know what I will do, they are coming in from behind the furniture and I dont want to move it to find them. I guess I am buying ant traps in the morning.
July 11th 06
The rest of the Mad Hatter Tea Party Photos are on my site HERE.
Yes I am feeling better now Current mood: Better
Yes I am feeling better now Sorry for the self pity trip, sometimes stuff just gets me down and it helps to vent but like any good rapid cycling Manic Depressive I am use to changing my moods pretty fucking fast even when I am stable.Thanks for the support.
Raw Current mood: contemplative
I have said for a very long time that I dont want a relationship But really I guess what I mean is I dont want to WANT to have a relationship.I dont like who I am in relationships, I hate how I get.I love too muchI want too muchI give Way too muchI give away too much of myselfI need too muchAnd so I end up hurtingA lotBecause no one has ever been able to Love me enoughWant me enoughGive me enough of themselvesTake enough of meOr Need me enoughI hate feeling weak when I care about a man, so I take a drug that dulls all that but it cant dull being lonely, it cant dull feeling unwanted, unneeded, unloved and unlovable.I dont want to want a relationshipI just want to be wanted for something more then a night now and then
Monday, July 10, 2006
Some of the pics from the Redemption show

Everyone was dancing and having a great time

I will post a ton more pics when I get a chance to build pages for them (probably tomorrow)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Photos from the last week

Sorry I have been having problems with my FTP so I couldn't load pics
These first ones were from Mulligans on Friday the 30th.

These are from INDUSTRIA on June 2nd for the reopening.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy and wet 4th

Elton and Cheryl had a sale at their SOMETHING WICKED shop today and even though I am suppose to be a good girl and not spend anymore money I couldnt resist getting a Japanese Dueling Sword with built in dagger and a couple of boxes of henna powder to do Mendhi with. It has been a long time since I have done Mendhi on myself but I just couldnt resist, I did my hair dark flame red now I have Mendhi designs on my hands and forearms. Now I just need to get my nose pierced again.
My mom and Stepdad decided to have a BBQ for the forth of July and I took Jeff, Marissa, Danielle and Nadia with me. Nadia liked my moms yard and her dogs unfortunately we had a HUGE thunderstorm come through with amazing lighting and thunder and tons of rain right as my step dad was getting the food on the grill so we all ended up inside watching cartoons and eating in the front room. Poor Nadia just couldnt wait to set off fireworks and when she found out my mom had a few at the house she wanted to set them off even though it was raining, lets just say they dont do so well in a downpour.
Basically I have spent most of the day watching the travel channel Made in America and Taste of America, Yes I am a party animal.
Names... some work some dont

Princess Nepo Allumbaugh (good one)
2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your mom's side, your favorite candy)
Jane Godiva (like that)
3. YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME: (first initial of first name, first two or three letters of your middle name)
T-Chri (ick, worse it could be T-Christ)
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: ( favorite color, favorite animal)
Burgundy Cat (sounds more like a hero)
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Christine Boise (I really dont like my middle name)
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother's maiden name,)
Healer (no kidding)
7. JEDI NAME: (middle name spelled backwards, your mom's maiden name spelled backwards)
Enitsihc Rellim (oh yeah that is easy for you to say)
8. CELEBRITY NAME: (middle name, street you grew up on)
Christine Randall (what a boring middle name, I always wanted Alexandria instead)
9. SUPERHERO NAME: ("The", your favorite color, favorite drink)
The Burgundy Coke and Malibu (not so much)
How about:
The Burgundy Cuba Libre (sounds like a gay Fidel Castro)
I guess I could stretch it and say:
The Burgundy Barracuda (Ingredients: Southern Comfort, Triple sec, Vodka ) OK that works
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Oh My Aching Tush

The worst thing about having a little bit extra money to spend is it is way too easy to spend way too much. I decided to go out Saturday night and instead of buying drinks I decided to buy a bottle of rum and take some with me, I have been wanting a steel flask that holds at least 6 oz and no more then 10 so I was thrilled to see that the liquor store had 8oz Coleman steel flasks for $10, so of course instead of buying a pint I bought a fifth and spent way too much.
I called up Danielle and she said that Marissa, Jeff and her were at the Chinese Buffet not too far from my house and so I went to join them, I got there about the time they were finishing and if I had been smart I would have just ordered a pop buy I got the buffet and ended up paying $10 to eat one saucer of chicken stuff and a spring roll. I did add some of my rum to the pop I was drinking, what a lush.
We went over to Jeffs house and watched THREESOME while they drank wine and I had more rum before heading over to MULLIGANS after 10. We lucked out since they were having the bike races all weekend they had signs telling people they could not park until 10 PM so no one was parked nearby and I got a great spot, not to mention it was slow since so many people went out of town for the holiday.
We found a good table and sat there drinking, I doctored the coke I bought with the last of my rum (I have a pretty high tolerance and a slow metabolism so by the time I feel anything from drinking I have usually drunken too much) I never really felt drunk that entire night though you wouldnt know it to watch me fall on my ass.
Yes I fell off a bar stool.
I was talking to Jeff on one side of me and holding a mirror in one hand and my lip gloss in another, I had one foot on the floor and one on the rail of the bar stool and I turned to look at Jeff and the next thing I know I was on my ass with my head missing the ATM machine by about an inch. It felt like slow motion in a way, one minute I am standing up and the next I am hitting the ground in slowmo.
I felt ok just a bit sore at the time so we kept hanging out at the bar until closing.
Only problem was I had a big coffee before going to the bar and then way too many colas and by the time I got home my tush felt as if I had gotten all my birthday spankings for the next ten years at once and my whole body was stiff as a board.
And I had to pick Jeff up and take him to work at 8:30 AM.
I made it to get him a little late but talk about sore and since I had been drinking I could not take a muscle relaxer or anything like that.
Right now I am just sitting here wishing my office chair was more padded and listening to the thunder storm pass through town while *A* sleeps in my bedroom. I will be going to Industria tonight and hopefully I wont have any barstool accidents.
![]() | Currently watching: Threesome Release date: By 01 May, 2001 |
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Run around Friday

Thursday is the Goth Meetup at Flying M, I almost did not go last night because the van was on E. I had called to ask Jeff if I needed to babysit Friday and he said no and was I going downtown, I told him why I wasnt and he said he could give me a little money. I told him all I needed was $3 for a tank of gas and $1 for something at Flying M, since that would be the only place I would go so I went to pick him up and made him be the one to pay for one gallon of gas.
The regular group was there for a while and then some of the younger Goths showed up but mostly hung around outside, hopefully they will start coming and joining the group more but it is still cool to see them come out.
I hate the day before payday, I am always so dead broke and since I dont have checks I cant kite one and hope it doesnt go through, I know there will be money in the account first thing in the morning but that just makes me want to go someplace at 2 am when it goes in the bank and around here that means loosing your parking space or one anywhere near the building. I hate that I have to make my decisions about when to go somewhere by the fact that parking is so bad, that there are days when walking a block is so painful just the idea makes me want to cry. Anyway I cant figure out what exactly I would do with money at 2am except go eat and I dont need to be doing that.
Friday, I actually got a halfway early start today, putting $47 in gas in my tank and buying some material for a blanket I am making for Brandys baby, I found pirate flannel material, now all I need is some batting and I think I will use simple fleece for that, since it is going to be a summer blanket and I can buy it at the dollar store.
I stopped by Something Wicked and sold Elton 4 of the boxes I made and bought a sword that has skulls all over the handle and shaft, I need to make a few more boxes with dragons on them for the shop, hopefully they will sell. Another thing I would like to try is to find my wood burner again and urn in some designs but like many of my possessions it is packed somewhere, at least I think it is, when I moved I got rid of a lot of stuff and it would be like me to have given it away.
I stopped for lunch at Chapalas #9 on Vista, one thing they have is grilled chimichangas which are pretty healthy since they are not fired. I went down to the Co-op and bought a 5 pack of really nice different colored chopstick pairs and a dragon sarong I intend to make into a shirt even if it means the dragons head will be upside downLOL
I realized at the Co-op I had lost my ATM card which is weird cause I was just thinking I would have to order a new one after the 4th since mine was getting awfully worn out, thankfully I had cash with me.
I pulled my hair up the usual way and held it with a pair of light goldish green chopsticks and went to the Edge to pick up a bottle of Punky Color in FLAME. As I was walking out I hear this woman and her teenage daughter saying, I hate that style. Those sticks are so ugly and tacky.
I thought they cant be talking about me because no one would be so rude as to say something like that 3 feet away from a person would they?
By the time they had started to walk off the other way I realized they were talking about me and I wish I had said HI there! You know talking about people behind their backs is TACKY. But like I said I was so honestly shocked that anyone could be so rude I was speechless, I would never think of saying something like that while standing right by a person. I might say something later, or even as we got out of hearing distance, I mean I am human, who isnt but I would never intentionally hurt someones feelings like that.
I came home and took a nap after stopping by my bank and ordering a new ATM card and just as I woke up and thought how much I would like to go and get a Margarita my oldest friend in the world called and asked if I wanted to get together since we had not seen each other in about a year. I have known Sue since I started university when I was 18 so we have known each other just short of 20 years, for a long time she dated my brother and we sort of lost touch. We use to be the biggest party hounds around but both of us have mellowed out the drinking and Sue is one of those people who is really shy when she is sober. Sadly we dont have a lot in common, Sue is a pre-school teacher and has the same job for 13 years, her parents are 40 years older then her and live out of town and she has a hard time meeting new people. I am 7 years younger then her but I act about 20 years younger a lot of the time, like dying my hair flame red and hanging out with people younger then me, my folks are young and I am close to them and I am so out going it puts some people off. So basically we get together once or twice a year, have a couple margaritas, visit and talk about what we have been doing lately.
I came home and dyed my hair then went to see if they had done anything interesting to the Balcony since a few of my friends mentioned they were going to be there. Other then taking some carpet off of a wall and supposedly fixing the sound system it doesnt seem like they did much that would take a week. And no there is not a fountain, though that might have been cool. I guess they just gave the place a good cleaning, all that smoke buildup and all. It is just as well I dont think it is smart to mess too much with something that works and that people are comfortable with.
I headed home around 10 since I didnt like the music they were playing and I didnt want to pay for my parking after the free first hour in the garage. I cant wait to see what Industria is going to be like on Sunday.
I stopped by Wal-Mart on the way home and bought up 9 yards of light weight black material and some stuff for crafts as well as two books, I have to watch it because it is too easy to spend too much money when you think you have a little extra.
![]() | Currently reading: Hurricane Hannah (Hqn Romance) By Sue Civil-Brown Release date: By 01 June, 2006 |