Wednesday, November 30, 2005
More Questions 6-12
7. What is your favorite lunch meat? Favorite soup? Spicy Roast beef or Pastrami and French onion in a bread bowl.
8. Do you have any bad habits? Of Course, but they are more then I care to admit to here and now. I am trying to break some of them like biting my nails, I now only bite my pinky nails and keep the other ones nice and trimmed so I don't get tempted to chew on them.
9. Name 5 of the most unusual CDs on your shelf?
Miss Kitt to You- Eartha Kitt
Songs in the Key of X- Various artists inspired by X-files
Requiem to a Dream - Soundtrack
Zoot Suit Riot- Cherry Popping Daddies
In to the rain - a collection of antique erotica.. (Data CD)
10. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Probably not, I drive myself crazy now, and I have always been best friends with men. Personally I am surprised I have as many friends as I do and I am sometimes shocked when people I don't see often seem genuinely happy to see me.
11.Are you a daredevil? Get in the car and you will see.
12.Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Well I am a human so I probably have, I generally tell people not to tell me things I might forget and say since I have a horrible memory.
Oh, but you just HAVE to get a set of itallic calligraphy pens for Xmas and play with them. Handwriting is a craft as true and pure as weather prediction. Anon
I LOVE calligraphy pens, I love art supplies in general, I do like practicing calligraphy and I love different color inks and I would love to get a Japanese brush writing set, I have a small one but it is more for display and does not have a how-to book with it. I love all kinds of art sets with the how-to books attached.
Questions #1-5
1. What is your name and are you named after anyone? T’Rina...My Mom swears she had never heard that name before she had me but she liked it.. The name sites says “From the Greek name Aikaterine. The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name Hekaterine, which came from hekateros "each of the two"; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek aikia "torture"
2. Do you wish on stars? Of course, and birthday candles and lost eyelashes
3. Which finger is your favorite? My right pointer and middle finger, you don’t need to know why.
4. When did you last cry? I have been in a lot of pain and it makes everything seem so much worse, I think I cried last a week or so ago just feeling pain and sorrow and loneliness.
5. Do you like your handwriting? No I print everything, pretty neatly but still I have never been good at script. I have just never learned how to do script so it looks rights, people ask me if it isn't harder to print but for me script is just time consuming.
Wednesday whine 11-30-05
1. Pain, the cold weather is making it worse
2. Unpacking, I still have more then half of my
clothing packed up and almost 90% of everything I own
is in boxes, I only plan to live in this place for a
year so I don't want to unpack everything but I wish I
could find things better.
3, Dieting... God this is a hard one, I never seem to
do it well enough and I have to do it for my health
and my knee.
4. Self Control... Look at #3...I went 29 days without
fast food or soda cause I vowed to go a month and I
missed it by ONE FUCKING DAY, I was dying for
something I did not have to cook so I bought a double
hamburger at McDs cause I have been craving them and
you know what it sucked, it wasn't anywhere near as
good as I was thinking it was. I went to Brad's B-day
party and had mixed drinks with sprite and then Pepsi
today, well when I fail I really fail.
5. My new computer is over protective and for some
reason I can't open certain things like RADIO 365 for
morgue radio, I LOVE my computer I just wish this was
not a problem.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Reading Binge

I just got home from Barnes and Noble where I have been on a reading binge for the last 8 hours.
I read half of MaryJanice Davidson's Undead and Unwed as well as all of Undead and Unappreciated and Undead and Unreturnable
This is a hilarious series about Queen of the Dead, Betsy.
Sometimes I will get on these reading binges and have no problem reading 100s of pages for hours and hours. I love losing myself in the pages and not thinking about anything but coffee and books.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Thanksgiving 05
This has been a very hard year on me, physically and emotionally and sometimes it is hard to come up with things to be thankful about but I am eternally thankful for my family and for my friends who have helped me stay sane this year, who have been there when I needed someone to care and who make me smile and laugh at least once a week.
I am thankful for being alive regardless of the pain and that I have a decent place to live and a car to drive.
There is a lot I wish was different in my life but I would not change my friends for anything.
It has been a long time since we have done the Wednesday rants (top 5 things pissing you off at the time)I miss them
Today I am trying to think of the top 5 things I am thankful for... here are mine
1. Family who have supported me in every way possible
2. Friends who have made a hard year a bit more bearable and who give me something to look forward to every week with industria.
3. I am alive, I can still walk, it could be worse.
4. I have a safe, clean, decent place to live and a car that runs.
5. I have a sense of humor and an imagination which keeps me going no matter what.
Anyway those are the top 5 things I am grateful for, I will try to remember to do a rant next Wednesday...LOL
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Sagittarius Horoscope for week of November 24, 2005

Wave farewell to your old self, Sagittarius. Maybe blow a few kisses as well. But don't linger too long. Refuse to get bogged down in ambiguous rituals filled with interminable goodbyes and meticulous inventories of the past. It's time to go! Off with you! You've got urgent appointments with the unsettling but fascinating future, and it's best to part ways with habits that have dulled your initiative and comforts that have numbed your courage. You're ready for more change than you think you're capable of.
Wow lately my Horoscope has been sight on for the last two weeks, I love FREE WILL ASTROLOGY
I am rally depressed but I know I am eating healthier then I have before, I had to wait for a prescription at the store and I kept seeing all these Christmas goodies I wanted, like boxes of orange flavored thin mints (for $.99) and marshmallow santas. I passed them up and had just one 1 oz piece of fudge, I know I shouldn't even have had that, I don't NEED it by any means but I am so depressed about the lack of progress.
I am simply going to have to get more serious, I am eating healthy but I am giving myself thanksgiving day as a day off too eat what I want without being dumb about it. I am giving myself one day a month, in this case thanksgiving, then Christmas eve to not worry about it.
The pain today is pretty serious and my Dr can't (won't) give me anything very strong for the pain so I just suffer. Maybe it is a good thing it motivates me to loose weight but it also depresses me and that makes me want a treat, it is a vicious cycle.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Just stuff
I am loving having a computer with a bit more memory then my old one, being able to run a bunch of programs at one time is great. Right now I am listening to net radio (GotRadio Blues) and working on about 5 browser pages.
it is fun just having something nice and totally new for once. I downloaded about 15 CDs full of music off of my old PC and for now I will leave them on disc to save space.
The Lady Eve
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Astrology and weight loss

The thing about this is I am on my first serious hardcore diet in years, the first one ever I don't dare give up, I have to lose weight or end up in a wheelchair because of my arthritis.
I haven't done too bad by just changing my eating habits a bit, cutting back on fast food and candy. Now I have gotten serious and have given up totally on fast food (man I want a double hamburger from McDs...LOL) and soda pop of all kinds (diet sodas tend to increase sugar cravings) as well as seriously cutting back how many times a week I eat out (a bad habit of mine) and trying hard to eat healthy and keep track of what I eat and cutting back hard core on sweets (I am a chocoholic, if it wasn't for Jolly Rancher candies I would go nuts)
Since July when my knee went out on me so bad and the daily pain started I have lost 21 pounds... only a couple of hundred more to go.
Do I wish I had never gotten this big? yeah.
Do I still think I deserve to be treated right no matter my size? yeah.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Goblet of fire

I went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire today at 3:30, every show after that until 10:45 was sold out.
I had read the book a couple of years ago and recently finished the 6th one and bought the first two in trade paperback. I am going to go back and read all of them again soon.
I was honestly impressed with how close the movie stayed to the book without loosing too much, the only way they could have kept up with the book all the way would be to make it a miniseries.
They had better hurry up filming this series though since the young actors are growing up fast. Daniel Radcliffe who plays Harry can still pass for 14 but you can definitely see that he is going to be a hottie in a few (or 5) years.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
New computer
I got a new computer that my mom, dad and I have been paying on for a couple of months. It is cool that even though they are divorced they can go in on something like this for me. Hopefully I can keep up with my blog a bit better.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Another halloween pic
This is one more pic from Halloween, Saturday night actually.
I kept putting off getting my hair cut so that I could wear the pigtails with my costume. I finally got my hair cut about 2 inches below my shoulders and dyed it dark red again since I was trying to let it grow out and found my first greay hair so that idea is a no go.
I will try to get a pic of it soon but since I packed up everything to move I no idea where my camera is.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
I had a great weekend. My costume came out great, I was a living dead doll. I made a babydoll dress out of this killer material I found last year, it is pink flannel with big black widow spiders on it. I wore white nylons and huge pink eyelashes along with white face and my hair in pigtails. I was Not-So-Little Miss Muffet.
Saturday I went to Analisa's House on Haunted Hill party, she had her house all decorated and I got my tarot cards reads.
Sunday I went to Industria and hung out with T*
I wore my costume both nights and got a lot of compliments. I try to never dress "goth" for Halloween since I do it all the time anyway and Halloween is for being what you are not. Next year I might be a space queen, somewhere I have a gold dress I made a a few years ago.