Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Sexual arousal from the fantasy of Dragons and Snakes
Just thought you should know
Just thought you should know
Monday, September 27, 2004
Sunday social
I have this burnt velvet ((velvet that has sheer parts to it)) long sleeve t-shirt, the only problem is that kind of velvet tends to roll up at the bottom making it a pain in the ass to wear. So yesterday I cut the shirt down to right below my chest and put a floor length skirt on it to create a empire style dress. I put a folded train on the back by gathering the extra material in deep pleats and then put a ribbon on the right bottom side so that I could put it on my wrist and hold the gown off the ground like an old fashion evening gown.
A bar here in town holds a Goth/Industrial night on Sundays so I headed over there from grandma's house and hung out with a bunch of people I had known years ago and met a bunch more new people. We all headed to IHOP for a late meal and I drove Damien home again since he is on the way to my house from the freeway.
A bar here in town holds a Goth/Industrial night on Sundays so I headed over there from grandma's house and hung out with a bunch of people I had known years ago and met a bunch more new people. We all headed to IHOP for a late meal and I drove Damien home again since he is on the way to my house from the freeway.
Saturday night
I went downtown Saturday night in full Goth drag and hung out with my friends and this guy DemonDavid, 6'6 and I doubt he weights over 150 pounds. He was in 'scary-clown' face and a trench coat which went well with my long black dress and cleavage down to here.
The China Blue bar was having a heaven and hell night so there were a lot of people in angel and devil costumes as well as varieties of Goth get ups but there was also at least 3 or 4 big wedding parties, bridesmaids and groomsmen walking around in their wedding clothing. Downtown looked like Halloween meets the prom.
David had girls coming up to him and telling him how wild he looked and getting hugged, it was funny to see these little bitty mundy (normal) looking chicks getting hugged by this tall skinny demon boy.
Around 3 I took a friend Damien to the Airport Denny's and we had coffee and talked about LARP games, comic books and comic book adaptations and a variety of odd things, I did not make it home till 7 am after dropping him off on my way to my Apt.
The China Blue bar was having a heaven and hell night so there were a lot of people in angel and devil costumes as well as varieties of Goth get ups but there was also at least 3 or 4 big wedding parties, bridesmaids and groomsmen walking around in their wedding clothing. Downtown looked like Halloween meets the prom.
David had girls coming up to him and telling him how wild he looked and getting hugged, it was funny to see these little bitty mundy (normal) looking chicks getting hugged by this tall skinny demon boy.
Around 3 I took a friend Damien to the Airport Denny's and we had coffee and talked about LARP games, comic books and comic book adaptations and a variety of odd things, I did not make it home till 7 am after dropping him off on my way to my Apt.
5 things a woman needs
#1 a woman needs a man who will treat her with respect and dignity
#2 a woman needs a man who will take care of her if she needs it
#3 a woman needs a man who will take her out and treat her like a queen
#4 a woman needs a man who will rock her world all night long
and #5?
#5 a woman needs for those four men never to meet each other.
#2 a woman needs a man who will take care of her if she needs it
#3 a woman needs a man who will take her out and treat her like a queen
#4 a woman needs a man who will rock her world all night long
and #5?
#5 a woman needs for those four men never to meet each other.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Me, My new glasses and DemonDavid
well I wanted a decent pic of me in my new glasses, about the only one that came out was me and my friend DemonDavid, my nickname for him
David was having a blast in his Demon gear and the girls sure seemed to like it
Silly goof decided to fuck up his make-up right before we all headed out, but it is a killer pic

David was having a blast in his Demon gear and the girls sure seemed to like it

Silly goof decided to fuck up his make-up right before we all headed out, but it is a killer pic
Rude Boys
This is just a sampling of the men who feel the need to make a smart ass or rude comment about my chest. More then a few I tired to take pics of ran from the camera, you would think if they don't mind making comments about a strangers body they would not mind being photographed.

Saturday, September 25, 2004
Big ass bruise
Ok so it is really a big belly bruise but lets not argue.
I have a HUGE bruise on my left side which is bad enough but I also have a subcutaneous hematoma, a deep painful collection of blood under the skin, it is like having baseball under my skin. The blood pools and fills a space and can take weeks to be absorbed into the body.
I don't know how I got it, I did hit a pipe sticking out of a wall but that was about 2 months ago and the Dr did not think it was likely to be the reason, who knows.
I just want it to go away since it hurts.
I have a HUGE bruise on my left side which is bad enough but I also have a subcutaneous hematoma, a deep painful collection of blood under the skin, it is like having baseball under my skin. The blood pools and fills a space and can take weeks to be absorbed into the body.
I don't know how I got it, I did hit a pipe sticking out of a wall but that was about 2 months ago and the Dr did not think it was likely to be the reason, who knows.
I just want it to go away since it hurts.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Yes I am still on a reading binge, yes I am still being a hermit.
If you have ever wondered about the multitude of reasons I am not in a serious relationship well this is number 4... I go through these phases where I don't want to deal with people much, I just want to be a hermit and veg and read and do art and crafts. Some times it only lasts a few weeks but other times it is months.
I am making myself go see my friends downtown at least once a week to keep myself from getting totally hermit like but other then that I am just not very interested in hanging out with people.
I have not been on line much, I try to keep up with mail but I am way behind.
If you have ever wondered about the multitude of reasons I am not in a serious relationship well this is number 4... I go through these phases where I don't want to deal with people much, I just want to be a hermit and veg and read and do art and crafts. Some times it only lasts a few weeks but other times it is months.
I am making myself go see my friends downtown at least once a week to keep myself from getting totally hermit like but other then that I am just not very interested in hanging out with people.
I have not been on line much, I try to keep up with mail but I am way behind.
Monday, September 13, 2004
I have been on a reading binge lately, which is why I haven't been on line much at all lately.
I have been going to the library and checking out a bagful of books at a time, just grabbing anything that catches my attention. In the last two weeks I have read about 30 books of all sizes... about 400 to 600 pages a day. I haven't had much work to do lately and have been getting a week's worth done in day which is fine for reading but sucks for money coming in.
Maybe things will change and I will have more to do then but for now it is just as well I am enjoying reading since I am broke and damn near out of gas...LOL
I have been going to the library and checking out a bagful of books at a time, just grabbing anything that catches my attention. In the last two weeks I have read about 30 books of all sizes... about 400 to 600 pages a day. I haven't had much work to do lately and have been getting a week's worth done in day which is fine for reading but sucks for money coming in.
Maybe things will change and I will have more to do then but for now it is just as well I am enjoying reading since I am broke and damn near out of gas...LOL
Friday, September 03, 2004
I love action movies, I have seen Pitch Black and it is one of my faves, I need to get it on DVD and watch it with Cronicals of Riddick when it comes out in mid nov.
Are these movies realisitic? nope, there are a lot of flaws in the stories... do I enjoy them anyway HELL YES.
Favorite Quotes:
Pitch Black
Johns: Battlefield doctors decide who lives and dies. It's called 'triage'.
Riddick They kept calling it 'murder' when I did it.
Riddick: Once the killing starts, this psycho fuck family of ours is gonna rip itself apart.
Cronicles Of Riddick1:
Riddick: You know your favorite game?
Kyra: Who's the Better Killer?
Riddick: Let's play.
Toomes: [on approach to Crematoria] If I owned Hell and this place, I'd rent out this place and live in Hell.

Are these movies realisitic? nope, there are a lot of flaws in the stories... do I enjoy them anyway HELL YES.
Favorite Quotes:
Pitch Black
Johns: Battlefield doctors decide who lives and dies. It's called 'triage'.
Riddick They kept calling it 'murder' when I did it.
Riddick: Once the killing starts, this psycho fuck family of ours is gonna rip itself apart.
Cronicles Of Riddick1:
Riddick: You know your favorite game?
Kyra: Who's the Better Killer?
Riddick: Let's play.
Toomes: [on approach to Crematoria] If I owned Hell and this place, I'd rent out this place and live in Hell.

Taking the kid to the movies
OK OK so Adam is not a kid persay... he is 23, 6'5 and a big boy, he is sort of my adopted brother. Wednesday I took him and his girlfriend to lunch and then dropped her off to go to class. Since my sleep schedule is all screwed up again I had to catch some Z's after being up for 22 hours and so Adam and I ended up going to see chronicle of Riddick at the cheapy theater at 9:40 PM. Brandi did not want to go with us, I don't think she likes those kind of flicks but both Adam and I eat them with a spoon, it is nice to find someone to go to wild movies with.
I love these kinds of flicks, I love action movies, I love sc-fi and I love to see things blow up and if I get to see Vin Diesel all hot and sweaty I am a happy happy girl.
I think Adam and I drive Brandi a bit nuts, he can be this great big kid sometimes and I tend to egg him on, I pointed out to her I am not dating him so I can find these things funny, I am sure if I had to live with him I would have him on tranquilizers and in a shock collar 24 hours a day, that boy has too much energy by half.
He called me today and said "I fell down in the shower." I know it sounds mean of me but I started laughing, it might of had something to do with him saying it in this weird dork-kid voice he likes to use. He goes on and tells me how he was washing his feet and fell over. I KNOW I am evil but I could not stop laughing and it sounded something like the Hanna Barbera character Muttly a really raspy heeheeheeheehee. He keeps on talking and I am laughing harder and harder and I hear him tell Brandi ... "She is laughing at me.. all TeeHee."
I told him I have never teeheed in my life but I am still laughing my ass off over the phone.
I have always had more men as friends then women it seems, I just get along with them better, but I do like his girlfriend a lot so that works out well.

I love these kinds of flicks, I love action movies, I love sc-fi and I love to see things blow up and if I get to see Vin Diesel all hot and sweaty I am a happy happy girl.
I think Adam and I drive Brandi a bit nuts, he can be this great big kid sometimes and I tend to egg him on, I pointed out to her I am not dating him so I can find these things funny, I am sure if I had to live with him I would have him on tranquilizers and in a shock collar 24 hours a day, that boy has too much energy by half.
He called me today and said "I fell down in the shower." I know it sounds mean of me but I started laughing, it might of had something to do with him saying it in this weird dork-kid voice he likes to use. He goes on and tells me how he was washing his feet and fell over. I KNOW I am evil but I could not stop laughing and it sounded something like the Hanna Barbera character Muttly a really raspy heeheeheeheehee. He keeps on talking and I am laughing harder and harder and I hear him tell Brandi ... "She is laughing at me.. all TeeHee."
I told him I have never teeheed in my life but I am still laughing my ass off over the phone.
I have always had more men as friends then women it seems, I just get along with them better, but I do like his girlfriend a lot so that works out well.